Monday, January 03, 2005

On the Wet Seat Now

The Accord leaked again while we were away. It's been sitting on the level portion of the driveway since, probably 12/22/04... maybe longer. Around Christmas eve, it started raining in our area. Heavily. Since it was parked level, the roof actually slopes forward. This is a no-no with our car because the sunroof leaks. We'd gotten pretty good at parking it facing up a hill, but completely forgot. In 12 days it got good and soaked. And smelly.

Fortunately, I noticed that it was wet before I sat on it, so I'm not all wet. There happened to be a kitchen garbage bag under the seat, so I'll be driving it while sitting on that for the next several days until it dries out. When I'm at work, I can leave the windows part way open because I park in a garage where it won't get rained on. I wonder how long it will take to dry out.

It's due for service soon as well, so I'll have to ask our mechanic to see if he can figure out what's up with the leak... good luck, I know.

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